Week 6 of lockdown: getting bored…

Observations from this week

  • Any novelty of being stuck in lockdown is certainly now starting to wear off. An urge to get out and do something is definitely increasing…. nothing has really changed mind you… just more normalised… there is danger in complacency and logically it is important we continue for safety, of course.
  • I also realised my car had been parked for 5 weeks now. I resolved to take it shopping this week… I hasten to add, my car is not bored… but it cheered me up too.
  • All-day on video and conference calls is becoming tiring. The intensity has undoubtedly increased as we had got used to them. They are necessary of course, but making video calls to friends and family in the evening is becoming harder – need a change of scene – oh for the days of meeting up for a meal or heading out for a coffee. (I am becoming an expert in replicating pret-a-manger toasted sandwiches… need to work on pain-au-raisin next!)
  • Lastly, the biscuit supply lines have now been re-established… however, the strategic chocolate supply has been hit hard… despite being hidden…

Stay safe everyone – @chris_w_tweet

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