Week 22: Rain and Shine

The hot weather broke this week and somehow working inside seemed easier, looking at the rain rather the sweltering days earlier in the week… the observations this week.

  • Lots of us have been growing vegetables during lockdown, myself included… I am now, unfortunately, suffering from peak courgette (zucchini)… they are now in every meal with more growing before they can be eaten, some the size of submarines lurking beneath the foliage… I keep repeating to myself…’this will pass’ and ‘I will miss them when they are gone’!
  • I also took a visit to the hospital and was amazed how the experience has been transformed since the lockdown… no stuffy waiting rooms, little queuing, and car parking spaces… Also thinking about everything the staff must have been through there, they do an amazing job.
  • Workwise a busy week. With the economic+ news there is still ‘the calm before the storm’ feeling… Somehow the summer has allowed us to forget about everything a little and am trying to not think about the mood when it is really over. Another few weeks, to make the most of it.

It’s a rainy Sunday evening here, time for dinner…courgettes!

Have a good week everyone… @chris_w_tweet

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