What a crazy week that was. Not only were we back to work, but also whisked off into another lockdown, schools off, homeschooling, COVID cases rising and then towards the end of the week – a late night watching developments in the USA.
All quite unexpected, unsettling, and sprinkled with clouds of doom and gloom; it felt like we were dodging this all week, just trying to be cheerful.
There were of course, still some observations.
- Getting back to work after the holidays is always tough. This year especially so, with a case of brain fog the first few days… hopefully, plenty of sunny spells with only the odd cloud this week!
- It has also been a bit of pitiful performance on dry January this year… only 5 days… I am even still eating mince pies (they needed finishing – my excuse!). This coming week needs to be a fresh start… the opportunity to stay in, get fit, do our best to avoid COVID, and stay healthy.
- Workwise, on calls last week it did feel that more of us have finally decided to be on video… I think I am now up to three ironed shirts a week now… still drawing a line at wearing a jacket… dark colours and cats just do not mix!
Stay strong, stay safe everyone, have a good week… Chris