Let us eat cake…

This week it felt like spring returned and we arrived at that strange time of year when it is warmer outside than inside.

It is now of course entirely possible to spend the morning working away, shivering with the heating on, making hot cups of tea to warm up, only to go outside, at lunchtime, in the sun, and realise that wearing the coat was a bad idea and in fact, a T-shirt would have been more appropriate…. roll on summer.

Workwise, with all the recent talk of returning to the office, I think we have also unearthed an important fundamental truth, actually a simple solution, for when we need to be in the office in person… basically, it all comes down to a ‘cake test’. Ie. If you can serve cake the meeting is in person, otherwise, it is remote… some examples

  • Team celebrations, day 1/product launch, end of project, quarterly town halls, even some workshops – cake is possible and even appropriate, so in person.
  • Steering and investment committees, budget meetings, project updates, month-end – cake not served, so therefore remote.

What a simple solution! Who knew cake would be just so important (well okay maybe operations and call centres did)! It had me chuckling, if not hungry, all last week.

Have a good week everyone.

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