Risk Operations Strategy discussion on LinkedIn

I have now created a new LinkedIn group specifically for Risk Operations Strategy.

There are a few other good and active groups out there (of which Canadian Credit and Collections is one I seem to repeatedly visit), however most deal specifically with the collections process, operational or credit risk, but not Risk Operations Strategy.

This group is to discuss and explore the topic.
Ie. how do you link this all together, from Acquisition thru Recoveries, treatment strategies and reporting optimise profitability and customer treatment.

I have also re-created Collections History, as a subgroup.  This is to capture some of the experience of people in the industry and it growth over time in Canada.  Much of this history is undocumented, and yet is intrinsically linked to the growth of banking and lending.  This group is for this discussion, and is linked to the project website ->  CollectionsHistory.com.

Link to Risk Operations Strategy Group on LinkedIn

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