Midsummer starts

It is just past mid-summer and although the longest days are supposedly behind us, dawn is still starting at 4 am. It is frightfully early, sometimes tiring, albeit a welcome change from the dreary mornings in November.

I was reminded of the benefits of getting up early in a recent article and resolved to log my own experience… details below (with apologies to, not to mention admiration for, Laura Mabille, Richard Branson and Dwayne Johnson)… I clearly still have some way to go!

Workwise, I was also struck by the increasing importance of video as a communication tool. Having monitored this area for a while, it is definitely expanding, becoming more and more popular. Clearly effective, it will be interesting to see where this goes, especially as we start to return to face-to-face meetings… I suspect it will be here to stay, in part at least.

Out and about again this week, so looking forward to it… have a good week everyone.

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