Tag Archives: Data & Analytics

The GDPR changes headed towards us

Late last year I attended an event in London on compliance and control within the Collections and Recoveries area. The question was asked, “By show of hands, how many of you have heard of or are preparing for the implementation … Continue reading

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Digital and Customer Centric: The Future of Collections?

The other week I was lucky enough to be able to attend my first roundtable discussion with Arum at the Caledonian Club in London.  These are held with key individuals across the industry to discuss key trends; with this time being a … Continue reading

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The Rise of the Micro-Indicator: Getting the lead on leading indicators

Office conversations often turn to finding the best measure for a particular process. Opinions abound, there is heated discussion, however agreement is usually reached (only to be informed by IT there is no captured data available and no historical values!). … Continue reading

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